Saturday, 5 Oct 2024

Recruiting Diverse Talent in Football

The football industry is constantly evolving, with numerous regulations in place to ensure fairness and inclusivity. However, one aspect that often receives media attention is the lack of representation of BAME coaches. While this is an important issue to address, it is essential to acknowledge the broader lack of diversity in the football industry as a whole. Inclusion in Sport, a leading organization working with professional clubs, Foundations, Trusts, and County FA’s, has identified that the industry faces a more significant challenge in terms of underrepresentation.

Diversity is not limited to ethnicity; it also encompasses gender, sexual orientation, religion, faith, and neurodiversity. Women are significantly underrepresented in senior positions, and there is a lack of knowledge regarding LGBTQ+ individuals working in the game. Furthermore, the industry has a long way to go in terms of accommodating the needs of parents, carers, and individuals with neurodiverse conditions.

When it comes to recruitment, many organizations rely on their Human Resources departments. However, this often leads to a compliance-based approach, rather than a proactive and inclusive one. To address this issue, Inclusion in Sport suggests implementing a few simple steps:

Include Salaries

One common frustration for job seekers is the absence of salary information in job ads. By not disclosing the salary, organizations may inadvertently create the perception that they are trying to take advantage of potential employees. Research also indicates that underrepresented groups, particularly women, are affected negatively when salaries are not disclosed. Including salary information fosters transparency and ensures equal opportunities for all candidates.

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Find Your Flex

Organizations should reconsider their approach to working hours and location requirements. A rigid approach can disadvantage individuals with caring responsibilities and limit diversity. Emphasize flexibility in job ads to attract a broader pool of candidates. By adopting a more flexible approach, organizations can accommodate the needs of employees and create a better work-life balance.

Advertise Widely

Football is a global business, but that doesn’t mean organizations should overlook their local communities. Analyze recruitment data to understand the current applicant pool and consider expanding it to diversify talent. Organizations can leverage existing connections with community groups, fan groups, and inclusion advisory committees to attract candidates who may not have considered pursuing a career in football.

Check Your Language

The language used in job descriptions can unintentionally perpetuate gender bias. It’s crucial to avoid gendered language and consider how certain words may be perceived. By using gender-neutral language, organizations can ensure job ads appeal to a broader audience and attract a more diverse range of applicants.

Diversity Statements

Actions speak louder than words. While diversity statements and equality policies have their place, they alone do not facilitate meaningful change. Instead, organizations should focus on implementing concrete actions that promote diversity and inclusion. This may include representative interview panels, bias training for those involved in the hiring process, and ongoing education on unconscious biases.

Inclusion in Sport works closely with professional football clubs, leagues, and national governing bodies to disrupt traditional approaches to diversity and inclusion. With a focus on projects, compliance tasks, advice, and training, Inclusion in Sport is committed to driving positive change in the football industry.

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